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This is a ready reference for certain important provisions common to most Institutional Arbitrations.
A. Request for Arbitration
Generally in different international institutions administering arbitrations, the rules requesting for arbitration deal with a written request for arbitration by the Claimant to the Registrar containing all the required and relevant information within a specified period of time from the date of the commencement of arbitration. Some institutions also contain a provision for a written response to the said request by the opposite party.
B. Appointment of an Arbitrator and formation of the tribunal
Pursuant to request for arbitration received, the respective institutions constitute the tribunal for the Arbitration. The Arbitrator can either be a sole arbitrator or three arbitrators depending on the agreement between the parties. The various Institutions of arbitrations around the world consider the prospective arbitrator’s nationality, residence and other relationships with the countries of which the parties or the other arbitrators are nationals and the prospective arbitrator’s availability and ability to conduct the arbitration in accordance with the Rules, while appointing arbitrators.
C. Seat of Arbitration and Place(s) of Hearing
The law applicable to the Arbitration Agreement and the arbitration shall be the law applicable at the seat of the arbitration, unless and to the extent that the parties have agreed in writing on the application of other laws or rules of law and such agreement is not prohibited by the law applicable at the arbitral seat.
D. Interim Relief
As per the rules of most institutions, parties are at liberty to approach the tribunal for interim measures of protection, custody, preservation etc., which are necessary to protect their respective rights. Furthermore, almost all arbitration institutions allow parties to approach courts before during or after the formation of the tribunal. In the case of emergency at any time prior to the formation or expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, any party may apply to the Court for the immediate appointment of a temporary sole arbitrator to conduct emergency proceedings pending the formation or expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal
E. Awards
The Arbitral Tribunal may make separate awards on different issues at different times, including interim payments on account of any claim or cross-claim (including Legal and Arbitration Costs). Such awards shall have the same status as any other award made by the Arbitral Tribunal.